Helmets are extremely important for electric skaters. Electric skateboards can travel at extremely high speeds, and once you get speed wobbles it’s very difficult to recover. You’d rather not regret not wearing a helmet as you’re in the middle of falling to the ground at 20 mph, so buy and wear a helmet.
There are many different helmets on the market, many designed for skating. Skater helmets generally have a basic, rounded design, but you can purchase any certified bike helmet and it will protect your head similarly.
These are some of the best helmets on the market right now:
Classic Skate Helmets
Protec Classic Skate Helmet (Certified) – $50
The certified Protect Classic skate helmet comes in several different colors, and meets the CPSC/CE certification requirements. It’s well designed, low profile, and comfortable to wear.
You can buy the Protec Classic Skate Helmet directly from their website, or from retailers like Amazon.
Make sure you purchase the “Certified” helmet– Protec also has a line of non-certified helmets that are a couple bucks cheaper, but why skimp when you’re talking about protecting your head.
Tripe 8 Dual Certified MIPS – $75
The Tripe 8 Dual Certified MIPS helmet is another popular helmet that follows the classic skate helmet look. It’s also available in numerous colors, and is dual-certified CPSC and ASTM F-1492 Skate. Tripe 8 also has a couple models that are not certified, so be sure to purchase one that is.
You can purchase the Tripe 8 Dual Certified MIPS helmet directly from them.
Full Face Helmets
Electric skateboards go faster than most people can pedal a bike, and some can hit speeds of 40 mph. If you’re using a high performance electric skateboard or scooter, you should consider a full face helmet to protect your entire head during a high speed fall.
Triple 8 Downhill Racer
The Triple 8 Downhill Racer is traditionally used for high speed downhill skateboarding, but is perfect for the high speeds you hit with an electric skateboard on flat ground as well.
It’s a little pricy and starts around $200, but it’s worth it if it saves your life.
TSG Pass

The TSG Pass is an extremely popular option for electric skateboarders. You’ll see a lot of popular E-Skaters, such as OKP from ESK8FR, wear this helmet on a daily basis.
The TSG pass starts around $270 on Amazon.
There’s a ton of other accessories you can buy to help keep you safe on your electric skateboard. Visit our accessories guide for more safety equipment and other cool accessories for your board.